February 07, 2025

Roll mode

If you need to perform measurements longer than the internal device buffer, the Roll mode is the right application for you. It turns the M520 series oscilloscope to data logger with sampling rate from 50S/s to 5Ms/s (50S/s to 250kS/s if the device is connected via USB 1.1). Please note, that very fast computer is required for sampling rates higher than 500kS/s. The measured data are directly stored to disc. The capacity of the data file is limited by the capacity of your hard disk drive or additional limitations of your operating system (if there are any). The measured data are visible during the acquisition and also can be viewed using the Roll mode viewer.

The Roll Mode software package consists of two applications.


The data acquisition application measures data and stores them to the hard disk drive. These can be viewed using the data viewer.


The Roll Mode is optional accessory (not for free). It is possible to purchase it directly with the device or separately for use with instrument you already own.